Privacy Policy

Types of Information We Collect

The information we collect from you falls into the following two categories:

  • Personal Information — information that tells us who you are or that provides information about you, and
  • Technical Information — information about your visit that is not linked to your identity such as information about the platform you may be using with our Data Products.

The personal information we collect when you use the CRSP Website may include your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, employer, and job title. We request personal information when you request information about a product or service, submit a support request, participate in certain promotional activities, fill out surveys, and correspond with us.

When you visit the CRSP Website, we also collect technical information such as the website you visited before the CRSP Website, the pages you visit on the CRSP Website, the website you visit next, the browser you use, your computer’s IP address, and any search terms entered on the CRSP Website. We use cookies (see section “Our Use of Cookies”) and other technology to collect this data. In general, we do not connect this technical information with the personal information we collect from you.

How We Use Information

We use all the information we collect to provide our customers with superior service and a smooth, efficient, and personalized experience when using the CRSP Website. In particular, we use information for the following types of activities:
We use personal information to fill product orders and service and information requests. For example, we use the information for delivery, payment, and customer service.
We use technical information, on an aggregated basis, to enhance our product development, to help run the CRSP Website more efficiently and monitor the level of activity on the CRSP Website.

If you contact us, we may also save your correspondence or comments. We use this information to help us provide better service in the event you contact us again.

When We May Disclose Information to Others

In general, we disclose customer information to other companies only for the following reasons:

  • to our third party providers when such information is contractually required.
  • to assist a government investigation, verification or similar purposes, if required by law, subpoena or court order, or otherwise necessary for fraud prevention, or as needed to enforce our terms and conditions.

Your Choices

Receiving promotional and/or product update emails from CRSP is strictly voluntary. If you believe you received emails to which you did not subscribe or if you wish to cancel a subscription, please contact

Our Use of Cookies

A “cookie” is a small data file transferred by a website to your computer’s hard drive. We send cookies when you browse the CRSP Website, respond to online surveys, or request information. Accepting the cookies used on the CRSP Website does not give us access to your Personal information, but we can use the cookies to identify your computer. The aggregate information collected permits us to analyze traffic patterns on the CRSP Website. This can enable us over time to provide you with a better experience on the CRSP Website, by improving the content and making it easier to use.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually refuse cookies or selectively accept certain cookies, by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, there may be some features of the CRSP Website that will not be available to you and some web pages may not display properly. You can find information on popular browsers and how you can adjust them to control cookies at the following websites:

Links to other Websites

Parts of the CRSP Website contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. If you use these links, you will leave the CRSP Website. We suggest that you carefully review the privacy policies of each site you visit. This Privacy Notice does not cover the information practices of those websites linked to the CRSP Website. These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

If there are changes to the terms of this Privacy Notice, we will post those changes here. Please be sure to check this page occasionally. If we make material changes to this Notice, such as changes in the way we use or disclose Personal information, we will provide you with notice of the change and a chance to choose not to have your information used or disclosed under the new policy.

Data Submitted to CRSP

This section is designed to answer your questions about the information CRSP has obtained through our Website.

We recognize the sensitive nature of personal and business financial information and take every precaution to protect your privacy. When you entrust us with information, you can be certain it will be used only within our strict guidelines.

All CRSP servers and employee computers are protected by secure firewalls and all computers are kept to current operating systems. All data is maintained and backed-up on a regular schedule.

We want you to know that we use information responsibly to provide you with services and information. Under no circumstance do we provide account or personal information to unrelated 3rd parties for the purpose of independent telemarketing or direct mail marketing of any products or services of those companies.

Your Data

All client data is treated as strictly confidential.

Access to your information is limited to those employees with a business reason for using such information.

We continually educate our employees on the confidential nature of this information, your needs for privacy, as well as incorporating policies and procedures for this purpose.

Outside Service Providers

At times, we enter into arrangements with companies whose expertise is essential for our own services to function properly. In any outside company situation, we share the information we obtain about you (as described previously) only when contractually obligated to do so.
We are extremely selective when choosing outside companies to become our partners. So we require them to conform to our own strict confidentiality and privacy standards. An outside company is never allowed to sell your information.

Protecting Your Information

To protect customer information, we maintain extensive physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards. For example:

We have a solid foundation of security policies that define acceptable use of our information systems and data hosted on those systems. These high-level security policies are implemented, supported and enforced by more detail level policies, standards and guidelines covering specific functional areas and technologies.

We educate our employees about the importance of confidentiality and privacy.

24/7/365 internal security monitoring with camera surveillance is at all entry points.


As technology continues to advance, you can be sure we will provide the most up-to-date safeguards possible to keep your personal financial information confidential and secure. Your trust is important to us and we’re committed to protecting your data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about CRSP’s use of your information or about this Privacy Notice, please send an email to

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