The data begin at varying times between 1962 and 2008 depending on availability and include:
- History of each mutual fund’s name
- Fund investment style
- Fee structure
- Holdings beginning 2003
- Asset allocation
- Daily and monthly total returns
- Daily and monthly net asset values (NAVs)
- Monthly total net assets (TNA)
- Dividends and distributions
- Schedules of rear and front load fees
- Asset class codes
- Management company contact information
- CRSP FUNDNO® – CRSP’s unique fund identifier
The database currently contains complete historical information for over 64,000 open-ended funds of which more than 33,000 are active and over 31,000 are delisted. Included are:
- Equity funds
- Taxable and municipal bond funds
- International funds
- Money market funds
- Variable annuity underlying funds
- ETFs and ETNs
CRSP Survivor-Bias-Free US Mutual Funds data is delivered via the Cloud utilizing MOVEit Managed File Transfer cloud software.
- Released quarterly with a one month lag
- SAS and R flat file format (ASCII format available upon request)
- CRSPSift Windows interface
- Load file procedure provided for use with MySQL or other relational database
- Third party access through WRDS cloud-based platform and query tool