CRSP Cap-Based Portfolio Indexes

This provides reports with information on breakpoints, performance, rebalancing, portfolio count, portfolio weight, total return, capital appreciation, and income return of the CRSP Cap-Based Portfolio Indexes.

  • Examines the relationship between the size of the market capitalization and returns​
  • The universe contains NYSE, NYSE American, and NASDAQ common stocks of US companies​
  • All NYSE securities are ranked into decile portfolios on the last trading day of the quarter.​
  • Capitalization-based breakpoints to determine next quarter portfolio assignments​
  • NYSE American and NASDAQ National Markets securities added into deciles created from NYSE breakpoints​

Key Features

  • Quarterly Performance Reports
  • Monthly Performance Reports
  • Breakpoint Report
  • Security List

Documents & Resources

Data Access Tools

Access information for this product

CRSP databases are characterized by their comprehensive corporate action information and highly accurate total return calculations.

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